
即日起馬房內部裝修, 暫停所有馬房活動,直至另行通知。
horse stable is now closed for construction until further notice.




– 本學校並沒有與坊間任何機構合作舉辦騎術訓練課程;
– 本學校亦不會使用whatsapp 接受報名、
– 亦不會提供大棠有機生態園有限公司以外的銀行戶口供入賬;
– 如貴客對本學校騎術課程有興趣,可致電2470 3638 或 2470 2201向接待處查詢。

大棠有機生態園有限公司 謹啟

Tai Tong Riding Club (TTRC) was established in 1994 within Tai Tong Organic EcoPark and is the largest private horse stable in Hong Kong. Our horses and ponies have won many prestigious prizes and competitions. The stable provides riding classes and facilities for beginners from holding the reins, walking and trotting to advanced levels of canter and jumping.


Experience Class (minimum group 20)

騎馬及膳食 — $280
Horse Riding & Barbecue

1• 馬術安全講座 Equestrian Seminar: How to Ride –Safety Rules and Introduction
2• 參觀馬房 Horse Stable Visit
3• 接觸及餵飼馬匹 (自購甘筍) General Principles: Feeding & Caring(Purchase Carrot)
4• 馬匹沙圈試騎 The Position of the Rider in Motion ( Pony Ride in Paddock)
5• 午膳Lunch(生態園飯堂)
6• 自由活動(生態園參觀) Leisure Time (Your own time, EcoPark visit free Entrance)

馬術入門半日營 — $210
Horse Learning Half Day Camp

1• 馬術安全講座 Equestrian Seminar: How to Ride –Safety Rules and Introduction
2• 參觀馬房 Horse Stable Visit
3• 接觸及餵飼馬匹 (自購甘筍) General Principles: Feeding & Caring(Purchase Carrot)
4• 拖馬練習 Demonstration: Leading and Showing in Hand
5• 馬匹沙圈試騎 The Position of the Rider in Motion (Pony Ride in Paddock)
6• 沙圈與馬匹合照 Time for Photographs (The End)

馬術入門全日營 — $380
Horse Learning Full Day Camp

1• 馬術安全講座 Equestrian Seminar: How to Ride –Safety Rules and Introduction
2• 參觀馬房 Horse Stable Visit
3• 接觸及餵飼馬匹 (自購甘筍) General Principles: Feeding & Caring(Purchase Carrot)
4• 拖馬練習 Demonstration: Leading and Showing in Hand
5• 馬匹沙圈試騎 The Position of the Rider in Motion( Pony Ride in Paddock)
6• 午膳(生態園飯堂)Lunch
7• 韁繩控制技巧 Demonstration: The Basic Position Holding the Reins
8• 騎術訓練 The Basic Paces: The Walk/ The Trot
9• 沙圈與馬匹合照Time for Photographs (The End)


C001 兒童騎術訓練班 | Children Riding Class
This course is designed for children at aged 7-12. There are 4 Sessions within a course and it provides training for rider’s health, calm and concentration as well as confident. Also, rider will form a habit of loving and caring for animals through horsemanship. Each lesson of tuition lasts 45 mins.

C002 初級騎術訓練班 | Beginner Riding Class
本課程爲馬術初學者而設. 以小組形式,一人一馬策騎練習, 課程內容包括:如何與馬匹相處、牽馬、上落馬、馬匹左右之基本控制,Walk八字行圈練習;練習馬匹步行時做Up & Down之策騎技巧;控制馬匹平衡;由行、停、至快步;練習Walk Trot之轉變速度。每期四堂策騎課,每課為45分鐘。
This course is designed for beginner and for small group learning. Every person will ride with one horse for practice. This course includes: communicate with the horse; leading the horse, mount and dismount, controlling the horse to walk, halt, turn left and turn right; walk in double loops; walk the horse with up and down movement; balancing on the horseback from walk to halt and walk to trot; practice on the transition from walk to trot. Each lesson of tuition lasts 45 mins.

進階騎術訓練班 | Intermediate Riding Class
本課程爲[馬術初階]之延續,以小組形式, ,一人一馬策騎練習, 課程內容包括:練習Rising Trot時之轉向動作,及轉向平衡控制、練習Rising Trot八字打圈之平衡和策騎技巧。每期四堂策騎課,每課為45分鐘。
This course is the continuous of the beginner course, with small group learning and practice with one horse each. This course includes: practice on rising trot with the correct diagonal; the technique on rising trot, practice on transition and controlling the horse in different pattern such as turning in circle and in double loops. Each lesson of tuition lasts 45 mins.

C004 花步及障礙跳欄騎術訓練班 |  Show Jumping Class
Dependent on the skill and ability level of the student judged by the instructor.

C005 私人教授課程 | Private Tuition & Horse Hire — $700
(1 Lesson — 只限沙圈 Paddock Only)
備註: 若單人上堂為30分鐘/堂
Each private one to one lesson of tuition lasts 30 mins.


不斷追求創新的年代,婚照漸漸遠離傳統風格,逐漸呈現多樣化。本校特別推出與馬匹陪伴的個性化婚紗拍攝,加入新人喜歡的原素,設定主題,貫穿優雅園林、湖心亭、大片青蔥草原作拍攝場地,是非一般所見影樓佈置、裝飾作為背景。打造一輯突出而風格獨特、儷影雙雙倍感甜蜜和溫馨而別具意義的愛情故事,日後可以憑相寄意留作永恆的回憶。 優惠價:$3800以每3小時計算收費(包括場租、馬1匹、馬匹助理)